Not Sure What to Write
I started this Blog a week ago and inspiration has yet to hit me. I'm not exactly sure what to write or to who I want to read this. So what to do:
Day 1:
Well I guess just recently I made a big move across the country from the west coast to the east coast (California to New Jersey). It was an even bigger move than my original move from Canada to California. The drive across the country was rather enjoyable, after the movers packed up all our earthly belongings my wife, the dog and I hit the road and drove from San Diego, CA to Tuscon, AZ. My wife wasn't feeling well because she didn't sleep much the night before, most likely because of stress of the move, so I drove the whole way. It actually wasn't too far, probably about 6 hours or so. The drive itself wasn't all that exciting, my wife actually slept for a few hours and by the time we reached Tuscon we were both fairly exhausted. We stayed at a fairly cheap but nice hotel, and snuck the dog up the elevator which was actually kind of interesting seeing his reaction to the moving floor. I slept soundly that night in preparation for a long day of driving the next day.
Wow, this is actually pretty boring, I wish I could spice it up a little, but nothing really exciting happened on the first day. Well I guess the only thing that was exciting was that we stopped for gas in Yuma, AZ. The sun was just about to set and I pulled into the station and started pumping gas. Now, whenever I pump gas I always seem to look around and watch all the other people pumping gas, well as it just so happens, a car load of young girls just pulled up on the other side of the pump. I only glanced over once or twice, but later as I was inside the gas station picking up some munchies and more water for the road, and relieving a heavy bladder, I could have swore that a couple of the girls were checking me out. Now to some people this might not be a big deal, but I'm not the hottest hunk in the world, by a long shot. I don't think I'm horribly unattractive or disfigured, but I'm just not all that and a bag of chips either. Now, I wasn't completely sure that they were checking me out, but I paid for the stuff and went outside to go walk the dog. As I was walking the dog, the whole group came out of the store and continued to check me out. They got in there car, drove by me and I swear the whole car was checking me out like I was a piece of meat, and I have to say it made me feel good.
Anyway, this is pretty lame, but I have to run. If anyone checks this out feel free to comment. I'll post more later.
Thanks for posting Delgar.
LOL - the gals might have been checking you out - so long as they were not pointing and laughing -- or that your zipper was undone....
Keep up with the blog- it gets easier to babble in time...
Unknown, at 8:43 AM
No I definately checked the zipper, as well as to see if I had anything on my face, etc.
It could have been the dog, our dog is really cute. But you can't see the dog from the outside because of the tinted windows.
I'll just assume they were checking me out, it makes me feel better.
Delgar, at 10:00 AM
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