Delgar's Domain

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

The End of a Journey and the New Begining

So I missed work yesterday because I wasn't feeling well. Actually, I wasn't feeling well all weekend. However, I did still manage to get to the gym on both Sunday and Monday. I didn't do a serious work out, but some activity is better than none right? Anyway on with the story...

Day 5

Well day 5 was fairly uneventful. This was going to be our last leg of the journey from Greensbourgh, N.C. to Princeton, N.J. We actually ended up sleeping in a bit longer than we had intended, plus we've lost a total of 3 hours of time now, and finally hit the road at noon. Once again I started out the day driving and my wife went for a nap in the back. You see for some reason she has difficulty sleeping at night, and she doesn't sleep very well when she does get sleep. I personally think that she's a Vampire, she likes to bite to. Maybe I'm on to something.

Anyway, the journey through Virginia, Washington D.C., Delaware and Pennsylvania were relatively uneventful. Finally at 8:00 PM on Monday, January 3rd we had arrived at our final destination. Okay, it took us another 30 minutes to actually find our temporary housing, which actually turned out to be not a bad little apartment in Lawerenceville which was about 15 minutes from my work. The great thing about the temporary housing was that Deer actually would walk by right outside our window. I could also take the dog for a walk, and they would just stare at us for a moment, before running off into the woods. Now, originally I'm from Canada. Calgary, Alberta to be more specific (which is really close to the Canadian Rockies, and some world class skiing resorts) and I've seen a lot of Deer, Bears and other wildlife. But living in a city like Calgary it's very rare to have Deer in your backyard. Also, living in San Diego, well the most likely thing you'll have in your backyard is probably some fleeing Mexican. So for me this was very cool. Our dog loved his new home, so many animal smells from the Deer to Squirrels to Birds, he was in doggie heaven.

So, when you move to a new place, everything is new and exciting and sometimes intimidating. But moving from California to New Jersey was like moving to a different planet. You could smell the Unions influence on the state and it reeked. See when we moved from Calgary to San Diego, things were different (mainly the weather), but most things were the same. San Diego had most of the same stores and food places. Even the grocery stores were the same, they had the same owner just different names. We were big Safeway shoppers in Calgary, and once we found Vons in California we were home (Safeway owns Vons). The only thing I missed about Canada, were friends, Ketchup Potatoe Chips and Coffee Crisp Chocolate bars. By the way AMERICAN chocolate SUCKS!!! ARGH!!!

Okay, so now we're here in New Jersey and the first thing we notice, mainly because we missed our turn off was that you can't turn left. What the hell kind of place is this, I mean really no left turns? In California, it's legal to make U-turns, so it's really easy to get back on track if you miss your turn (this is necessary because the signs in California suck as well as the lighting at night). Anyway, later we found many places where you can make left turns and learned all about the "All turns in right lane" dealy. Okay, not a big deal.

Okay, I've rambled on for long enough, time to go do some work.

I'll be back


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