Delgar's Domain

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Sexless in New Jersey

The jury is in, and Valentines day didn't lead to any forbidden fruit.

However, I did manage to pick up a new video card for my computer, seeing that the movers destroyed my old one. It was raining yesterday, so after work I went home and took the dog for a walk and got soaked, then it was off to our gym to do our fitness evaluation and orientation.

Turns out that I have excellent blood pressure and a resting heart rate and that I'm a fat bastard! Well not really, at 5'10" I weigh in at 173lbs with a body fat of 22%. Last year around this time I weighed in at 188lbs, and I haven't really done a lot of work so I'm guessing that I lost a lot of mucsle mass. But still I'm starting to look pretty hunky! Ideally I'd like to be a buff 170lbs, so I have a lot of work to do! I need to work on getting my shoulders broader and getting washboard abs (pipe dream).

So after the gym we went and had a frosty at Wendy's (mmm healthy) and then it was back home, where my wife chatted with a friend who's having issues, we installed the video card, made sure it worked and I took the dog out again in the rain for his final walk. This time I was soaked from head to toe. Got ready for bed, watched part of a movie and drifted off to sleep.

Not a very exciting Valentines day, but a good day for our relationship or at least I think so. :)

I'll update more later


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