I Confess
Alright, so I didn't go to the gym last night and I'm probably not going to go tonight. Maybe, I will, but maybe I won't. Probably not.
Alright, so with my little bit of high school literature out of the way what can I dazzle y'all with today. You like my using my fake Texas accent? Well, you see, Alberta, is really just like a Northern Texas. We have Oil, Cattle and Guns. Where am I going with this? I have no idea, so let us move on.
Tonight, I have a hot date.
Okay, well, I guess if you count an evening at home alone with myself a hot date, then I guess I definately have one! Plus throw in the fact that I'm pretty sure that I can get lucky, it might make for an interesting evening. I'm such an easy little slut. :)
In all seriousness, I have no idea what I'm going to do tonight. So, maybe I should make a trip to the gym before I plant my ass on the couch. It would do me a world of good. I suppose there is the small possibility that I might get invited out, but I won't hold my breath on that one.
Wow, I'm not making a whole lot of sense today, I'm not sure why that is. Work is not going as well this week, but perhaps it's just the whole missing the wife thing. I mean we've only been together now for 3 years, only 2 of those years in marriage, but we have been living together for 3. In those past three years, we've at most been apart for two days. So, now having been apart for an entire week is definately a new record for us. It's hard to explain exactly how I feel about the whole thing. It's like I'm missing a limb.
Bah, now I'm just being a whiny little git!
Anyway, I'll probably Blog a lot this weekend. Plus I'll be on Yahoo messenger all weekend. So, if you're bored feel free to send me a message. :)
Wow, you would make some neighbor an awful pain in the butt if you were single.
Welcome to my life! I live like this every day when my son isn't with me!
Kalleigh Hathaway, at 4:30 PM
You and I should go out for a burger some time. It'd be a slice. :)
Delgar, at 4:49 PM
Hi Lindsey,
Thanks for stopping by. Not much to see here. Perhaps I should start acting on my best behavior.
Delgar, at 4:50 PM
Thanks for reading agian ((is flattered)) I shall start reading you as well ((shakes hand)) pleasure reading eachother.
Jami, at 9:05 PM
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