Well once again it's been awhile since I've updated, mainly because I've been rather busy at work trying to make progress. :)
Anyway, my wife's foot is still swollen and she's still hobbling around, but yesterday she started writing again, which is good because she only has about a month until she leaves for her workshop. She needs to get all her stories out and submitted while she's away, which means finishing up the ones she's started, and editing the ones that need to go out. She's in a much better mood this week, less defeatist and more optomistic.
I'm still doing whatever I can to help out around the house, I cleaned the apartment this weekend, I did laundry, I got food, I got snacks. However, she still insists on doing more than she should, and continues to ignore anything I have to say in the matter. :) Women, so damn stubborn.
This weekend was okay, for the most part we stayed at home. However, we did head out to a friends place for dinner on Friday and watched a movie at their place and on Sunday we went out and had coffee at a friends place and just sat outside on the deck chatting. Other than that we sat around at home playing a computer game.
So, right now my wife and I are playing a game called Star Wars Galaxies, it's a MMORPG. Which in non-geek speak means, Massively Multiplayer Online Role-playing Game. Basically, a bunch of geeks playing the same game all at once. Anyway, my wife and I had picked up Everquest 2, awhile back because some friends were playing it and it was something that we could do together that didn't involve us watching t.v. So, we played Everquest 2 for awhile and we really enjoyed it, but my wife started to have the desire to fly a spaceship and blow things up, so we decided to try out Star Wars Galaxies.
I'm a big fan of the Star Wars Universe. Probably because I watched the original movies over and over and over again as a child. Now, I know Lucas has botched up the Prequels, but for some reason the whole universe just makes for a great video game experience. Droids, Blasters, Lightsabers, Land speeders, strange exotic creatures and wookies, you can't forget wookies. So, of course the first thing I did was make a wookie named Rarwarg, when I loaded the game up. :)
So for the past week we've been playing and having a blast. My wife really enjoys piloting her ship around space and blowing up pirates, looting their remains and fixing up her ship. Plus, shes working towards becoming a creature handler. Meaning that she'll be able to tame baby creatures, train them, raise them and sick them on people. :) She's looking forward to getting her first Rancor (The big creature that tries to eat Luke in Return of the Jedi, in Jabba's palace). Right now she has a little Zucca Boar named Lulu and a Womp Rat named Ratty. :)
I myself haven't decided what direction I want to head head, but that's one of the interesting thigns about the system, you can always change your mind and head in a different direction than where you started.
Anyway, so other than that, not much else of any interest happened this weekend. The good news, is that my wife has booked her flight for her trip and were getting everything in order for her departure. She's still a little nervous about the whole thing, but who can blame her?
Seeing that I'm being really geeky today, maybe I'll do another Chemistry lesson.
hehe. I remember saying to J,"don't you want to know that if I were all alone, that I could still handle the house?" He gave me a blank stare. "You're not. And No. Not if it means you're broken down even longer.". Hmm. Damn, men, so logical. ;)
*LAUGH* oye, geeze, that brings back memories of Ultima Online. I had a few characters that I did okay with. I gave up when I lost my clothes and couldn't get them back. My ex, though, he was working on his bard skills so he could tame animals...uuugh. Hearing the horrible twang and pling of the out of tune guitar for HOURS was too much. -- at least he's my ex, not my "dearly departed", cause man...soooomedays.
Sounds like you guys are having a great time! that's awesome!
Becks, at 5:33 PM
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