Delgar's Domain

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


Well I'm not exactly sure what to post about today, but I feel I should post something because I'll be taking off for Houstan on Wednesday and I won't be back till Friday. So, what should I talk about before my several day haitus?

Well things at work are going well. I have lots of things that I need to do and each thing that I complete gives us one more piece of the puzzle. That's kind of thing exciting thing about my job, there are always questions and answers out there waiting to be found.

Last night we went to the gym and played squash and did our weights. It was once again very tiring. Tonight we work out yet again, I'm not looking forward to it, but I can't really skip it because I'll miss Thursday nights work out. Although we may reschedule for Friday night, but I'll have to see.

I'll miss my wife for the couple of days that I'm gone, but it will only be a prelude for what is yet to come. It's now only a few more weeks and then my wife will be gone for 6 weeks. I'm still not exactly sure what the dog and I will do for that ammount of time, but I suspect I will catch up on a lot of reading and video game playing. I wonder how much muscle I can build up in 6 weeks, while she's gone?

Wow, I'm very boring and dry. I have no in depth thoughts, no excitement, no cheating, no affairs. I'm surprised I have readers. Ah well, maybe I'll do a Chemistry update today.

Delgar's Thought of the Day:

"Choosing a Parking spot is like choosing a Urinal, if you can leave an empty space/spot than you should."



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