Delgar's Domain

Monday, April 04, 2005

A Weekend in Review

Well the weekend is over and I'm exhausted, actually right now I wish I was still in bed cuddling with my wife. That would be so nice, but instead I need to figure out what I'm going to do in the lab today (if I get a chance I'll give a quick chemistry update). So here is my weekend in review:


So Friday we went out for dinner with two other couples to a small italian place just over the border in Pennsylvania. It was alright but nothing to write home about. Throughout the dinner I definately noticed my wife getting irrated and I wasn't exactly sure why. I think that she wasn't looking forward to the outing and that really didn't bode well for the evening. Needless to say she got mad on the way home, and the rest of our evening was a bust, but we did get a lot of sleep.


We woke up on Saturday and watched a cheesy movie on Sci-Fi. It was raining outside and the prediction was for a lot of thundershowers throughout the afternoon. My wife loves rain, and thunder and lightning, so she was looking forward to it. She was still feeling a little off today, but I finally convinced her to come out to the movies with the same two other couples. So we trucked off in the pouring rain and went to the movies. I dropped her off outside the theatre and parked the vehicle, so I got soaked and I got water in one of my shoes so now I'm wandering around with a wet sock, and it was starting to dry and get all itchy!

Anyway, we went to see Sin City, this is the first movie that we've gone to since moving out east, which is rather odd for us because we usually go out to the movies often, but we just haven't been motivated to go see anything. Anyway, the theatre itself actually wasn't to bad, the seats were very comfortable and the screen was an alright size. But so far, all of the Amercian theatres I've been too just don't compare to Canadian ones. In Calgary going to the movies is an Entertainment experience. First off, most Calgary theatres have machines where you can pay for your movie ticket so you don't really have to wait in line because they usually have somewhere between 12-18 machines. In the states you have to stand in a big line up on a rainy Saturday afternoon because they only have one person working cash. In Calgary, most movie theatres have several different food places, such as Burger King, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, a Coffee place and several others as well as your regular movie fair (Popcorn, etc). Plus you can take this fast food with you into the theatre. In the states you get movie food, that's it. Both Calgary and Edmonton have theatres where every 15 minutes there is a little perfermance in the main lobby. In Edmonton they have a fire breathing dragon (which is very cool I might add) and in Calgary there is this Egyption themed show, which involves a sphinx and a lot of lasers (the dragon is better but the Egyption thing is cool). States nothing, absolutely nothing. The seating in the states and Calgary compares, except that in the states the hand rests move, so I'll give them a big plus there. Much easier to have sex in the theatre in the states :). But Canada comes back and kicks them in the ass with bigger screens and bigger sound. I have yet to go to an American theatre that beats out their Canadian brethern. So, in the end, Canada's theatre going experience is FAR better, I guess it's because their cold for so much of the year, but I definately miss my home theatre :(. My wife misses the Kool-Aid slushes that you can buy back home and for that matter any slushy (slurpee). Here in the states they just suck, in Canada there is just so much better, less sweet, and way less airy. I don't know why that is.

Anyway, the movie itself was actually pretty good. It was different, it was melodramatic and it was over the top. Having never read any of the graphic novels before I had nothing to compare it to. But the people that we were with said that it correlated fairly well. On it's own I definately enjoyed it. Most of the acting was superb and any movie that involves castrations, yes that is correct I used the plural, is fine by me. It was definately dark and disturbing. Elijah Wood, played a character that had absolutely no lines in the entire movie and he makes a very creepy little kid, but not too give to much away, if you hated the hobbit in lord of the rings, in this movie he finally bites the big one. :) Although the movie was very violent, because it was in black and white it didn't really seem to be all that graphic. If it was in color, I'm sure it would be pretty gory.

Anyway, after the movie the wife and I headed over to the mall and did some underwear shopping, where we bought her several new bras and some very cute underwear. Now all I have to do is actually get her to wear some of them for me. :(

Then we headed home, had a fast food dinner, played around on the computer for a bit and went to bed.


We hung out with some friends in the afternoon and went for dinner, after we got home my wife wasn't feeling well. It seems it's been coming on for a few days now, probably why she was so short on Friday. We hung out for a bit at home and vegged, and then off to bed it was for us. She wasn't feeling to well, so I made her some tea before bed. Then I got up and got her a snack and she spent the next hour annoying and teasing me. Let's just say that when she's bored or sick she can be very annoying. But she's cute. Anyway, I finally got to sleep and had NO desire to get up this morning.

Now, she's still in bed and I'm wishing I was there with her. Hopefully she's feeling better today, so that she can finish editing her story and send it out.

I'll be back later with an update, now I need to go get some work done. :)


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