Mish Mash
Well I've been such a bad blogger the last couple of days, I haven't posted and I haven't posted on my regular reads. So this post will contain a Mish Mash of what has happened over the last few days.
Okay, well Friday night we went out for dinner with two other couples to a TGIFridays in Pennsylvania. We had to wait about 40-50 minutes for a table, the food sucked rocks. I'm talking worse than diner food, you know what I'm talking about and the service was horrible. The conversation however was alright. All in all it was a mediocore evening, but better than sitting on my ass watching T.V.
Saturday, we packed up the dog and drove back into Pennsylvania (King of Prussia) to be more specific and hung out with a few people for a few hours and then headed back home where my wife and I spent some time watching a movie. We finally got our asses into bed late, had some very medicore sex, and finally went to sleep.
Sunday, the wife kicked me out of bed to go walk the dog, which was difficult because I was exhausted, but I did. We went and worked out and after 2 hours of pain (the instrument of torture is still hurts) we went out for dinner with one of the couples that we saw on Friday night. We chatted with them for a few hours and then we headed home where we played a game for a few hours. My wife asked me to take Monday off, so that we could just have a relaxing day together. I said sure. We went to bed late.
Monday, I slept in. Well as much as I could before the wife kicked me out of bed to go walk the dog. I took the day off work, and after walking the dog, I did some computer work. My wife woke up and we chatted for a bit, and then went back to the bedroom and.... watched a movie and had an afternoon nap. We skipped out totally on our workout and just relaxed at home, watching movies, t.v. and playing games. It was nice.
Tuesday, I arrived at work and tried to get some work done, now that I'm down to a three day week, and nothing seemed to go right at work.
However, Tuesday night, was our Fitness re-evaluation. So here is a re-cap of my Fitness:
I now weigh 173.3lbs (my weight is unchanged)
My Blood pressure was 108/56 (which is really good)
My resting heart rate was 50 (I'm almost dead, or I have nerves of steel!)
My Aerobic Fitness level was only slightly improved
My Bicep Strength was less (something wasn't quite right with that one)
My Flexibility was the same (which means I'm about as flexible as a steel rod)
My Body Fat dropped by about 2%, so now I have 21.3% body fat as compared to 22.9%
All an All not much has changed for me over the last 6 weeks :(
My wife however is doing much better, weight remained the same but she improved quite a bit in her Aerobic Fitness level as well as strength and her body fat dropped about 2% as well. She really wants to get rid of her belly fat, and I'm sure it will happen, but she's very impatient. Plus, she's really not that heavy, so trying to lose 5-10 pounds for her will be pretty difficult. You can definately start seeing the toning in her body. Her ass is starting to look more amazing than it already is. :)
I can see my body changing slightly too. I doubt that I'll end up losing much weight, mainly because I'll probably end up replacing the fat with muscle. So how much I weigh really doesn't matter to me, it's more about how I feel and look; I weigh about what I should for my height. Working out is definately making me feel better and healthier about myself. Now I just have to be able to cut out all the junk. Eventually. :)
Anyway, that's what you've all missed out on for the last 4 days.
I might update a little later with something, any questions?
It's interesting how you slipped "mediocre sex" in there amongst everything else.
Celia, at 12:08 PM
Man I hoped that one would just slip by. :)
Delgar, at 12:13 PM
On the plus side you didn't ask me to clairfy so I'm in the clear!! :)
Delgar, at 12:15 PM
You should know by now that pretty much no mention of sex will get by me. And I figure that because you slipped it in like that you don't want to come out and write about. But then, the very fact that you mention says that you want to be asked.
I'll bite. clarify, if you would be so willing.
Celia, at 12:32 PM
Ack, I need to keep my mouth shut. Most people don't comment on their comments.
Well let's see why was it mediocore? Without delving too much into how bad of a lover I am, let's just say that we had sex, but neither of us was really into it so it wasn't one of our more fantastic sexual experiences. There was no real foreplay or excitement or buildup.
Hopefully I'll be able to report much more exciting sex in the future. :)
Delgar, at 12:38 PM
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