Steak and BJ day
Well yesterday was steak and BJ day and unless 2 hours of working out is considered steak, and a frosty at Wendy's is considered a BJ, then I pretty much missed out.
Yesterday involved me heading home after work, making a excellent dinner of Delgar Cuccina (read as Kraft Dinner) followed up by doing dishes and taking the dog for a walk. Top this all off with one hell of a work out, my one ankle is still sore and my lower back is definately sore, followed by a frosty and some nice quiet relaxation in front of the t.v.
No steak, and no BJ for me yesterday, or probably in the near future I will predict.
The culmination of our evening ended with us in bed having a conversation, in which we discussed many topics but the one that really got to me was when we started talking about our relationship.
I basically stated that I think things were starting to get better.
She basically said she thinks things are fine the way they are and that there are no problems.
ACK? No problems? We have like NO sex life and we don't have any problems?
I think at that point I lost all hope. What do I do at this point? She doesn't even think it's an issue?
I've had hope for such a long time, but now it's totally gone. I don't know what to even do anymore.
Ow. I know that feeling. You can almost hear the clang as the prison door slams shut.
What next?
Kalleigh Hathaway, at 11:41 AM
That is bad. Did you say anything in response?
Celia, at 12:13 PM
I have no idea what next. Right now I'm just exhausted.
I didn't say anything in response. I didn't want to have another argument about sex. It doesn't help.
Man I'm so tired.
Delgar, at 1:16 PM
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