Crash and Burn
Today I'm extremely sore, and I want to say that I'm sore because of a wild night of monkey love, but the reality is I'm sore because I worked out last night. After working out last night I was extremely sore, which is kind of strange because I didn't actually do any harder weights because I bumped them up the day before. Maybe it had to do with the little bought of food poisoning I had, or maybe my body just hadn't recovered from the previous work out?
Anyway, nobody cares about my soreness, so what to write about today, hmm how about some past stupidity.
Let's see, a long time ago, in a place far, far away (okay only a few thousand miles, but you get the picture) I went to a movie with a bunch of friends. We all piled into a blue mini-van (one of their parents vehicles) and headed off to the movie theatre. Now I can't honestly remember what the movie was, but the whole time we were jacking around like a bunch of young punks and I think afterwords we went a shot a few rounds of pool (or billiards however you want to call it). Afterwords they dropped me back off at home, and one of my jackass friends decided to throw a pop can on my lawn, so I threw it back through the sliding door of the mini-van. Playful insults were being thrown back and forth, and finally after they threw it out once, they closed the sliding door and me in my brilliance jumped onto the side of the mini-van standing on the railing and holding the handle.
However, the driver had no idea what was going on and basically took off with a shot when he heard the door close. There I was clinging to the side of the mini-van as it continued to speed up down my street. The guys in the back began screaming at the driver to stop the vehicle, but he hesitated not actually knowing what was going on. It was at that moment that the small little railing I was standing on decided to give out.
It was at that moment that I learned that a man can't run 30-40 km/hr, and that pavement hurts a lot. Luckily I fell away from the mini-van and completely avoided the tires, or I might not be here writing this tale. In the end I scraped up the top of my wrist pretty badly and my hands as well. But otherwise I was realtively unscathed, nothing broken other than my pride. I still have a scar on my wrist which acts as a constant reminder of my stupidity.
So I highly recomend that everyone ride inside of vehicles rather than on them because pavement hurts and gravel hurts worse. :)
You shouldn't say what you write is boring. Let readers decide for themselves other wise they'll take your word for it without actually reading.
For me, the reason I read is for all the little seemingly insignificant things.
Celia, at 11:44 AM
Insignificant like what?
Delgar, at 1:53 PM
I meant blogs in general, but like things that you incresed your weights or stuff about your dog.
Insignificant may have been the wrong word. Small, or day-to-day might be better.
Celia, at 2:00 PM
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