A Weekend to Forget
Well I don't really have much positive to say about this weekend other than. My communication skills are still sucking the big one, and lets just say that's not helping things at home.
Alrighty, so Friday night was date night, and it was my turn. This is something that we've just started, to get us both out of the house and doing something. My first date night I took us out to the Trimuph Brewery in Princeton, where we met some new people, had a horrible dinner, and listened to a band.
Well this night, I had found what was supposedly a nice restaurant in Lawernceville and made reservations, and then afterwords I was planning on going to a movie, which is something we haven't done since we've come to New Jersey. Most likely because there isn't anything that either of us really want to see. So I tell her none of my plans, I get home from work and tell her to get ready and dress up nice and I take the dog out for a walk. Then we are on our way to dinner. Let's just say that the restaurant, sucked the big one. We defiantely didn't enjoy it. The food wasn't great, the service wasn't great and the ambiance just wasn't worth the price tag on the meal. Maybe, I'm just not cut out to eat Foo-Foo food as I like to call it.
Anyway, so we head off to the movie theater, when we arrive their is a huge line up (it being Friday night and all) and my wife's knee was still hurting. So, we decide just to head home and maybe watch a movie at home, which turned into us watching T.V. and then going to bed.
Saturday, my wife slept in, while I played around on the computer. We finally got our act together around 1:00 PM and went out and hung out with some friends for a few hours and then it was back home for another evening of T.V., then off to bed we go.
Well the plan for Sunday is to go to the gym, my wife's knee is feeling a little bit better, but it's still sore. We head out to the gym to play some squash, things were going well and at some point I faked running into her and hugged her. Well she got really pissed at that. I was just trying to be fun and playful but instead I apparently made her feel like a plaything, or something to that effect. Like I wasn't taking her squash playing seriously, and she was only a little blonde toy or something like that.
Woah, how does me hugging her make her feel like that? I don't think I'll ever understand women. Anyway, we fight in the court for a while. I appologize, several times. I mean I wasn't trying to piss her off, I wasn't trying to do anything that she thought I was. I always have this feeling that no matter what I do I just can never win.
Anyway, we finished the rest of our workout, which left us both very sore and her with a sore wrist and knee. We hadn't eaten anything all day, so we decided to head out and grab something to eat. Once we arrive at said location, and we are standing in line I realize that I had left my wallet at home. See I was wearing these track pants that don't have a back pocket and I left my wallet out because it wasn't comfortable in the front. Anyway, this pisses her off again, but really it's not that far to home. We head home, I grab the wallet and the dog and we head off for dinner, and then we went for a drive.
Anyway, the next day was going to be a holiday and we had plans to meet with some people. They had originally wanted to get together around 10:00, but I had asked if they could bump it up to 10:30, just because we had to drive down there and I didn't want to be late. They said sure no problem. Anyway, I get in shit for asking them to change the time, beacause apparently the world revovles around me and how I don't think of other people.
I can't fathom this. I mean, they wanted to get together at 10:00, and I just asked if they could push it back a half-hour. To me it sounded pretty reasonable, but apparently it would have been reasonable if I had a better excuse for it. The funny thing is, the real reason that I did it was because I know that she doesn't like to get up in the morning, so I wanted to give her some extra time and also, I know that she doesn't like to be late for things, and I just know if we had made it for 10:00 we'd probably be late and that would piss her off. So, in a sense, I was trying to do something nice and all it does is blow up in my face.
Wife has trouble sleeping Sunday, only gets a couple of hours sleep and is a little grumpy. We head out to meet up with some people, she's fairly grumpy in the car, which bodes well for the rest of the day. We arrive at the location and it's here that she finds out that we're going to be a little longer than she had originally thought. This pisses her off immensely. She grins and smiles but I know up shit creek without a paddle, once we are out of there.
Now, I knew that we were going to be there longer, and I also thought she knew, but apparently that's not the case. She then accuses me of lying to her, or trying to be sneaky, or withholding information. Which I did not do or try to do. Which I say over and over again, but she is so angry she doesn't want to listen or believe me. It was a miscommunication, I made a mistake and didn't give her all the information. She said if I had, she wouldn't have agreed. We fight, things sort of calm down, we go to the gym. She's still very sore and this makes her very angry, she feels like a gimp. I try to tell her that lots of people hurt themselves doing physical activity, especially when your using muscles that you don't normally use, or you overwork something. She's still disappointed with her self.
I'm not sure what the hell I did this weekend, but once again I seem to have derailed the train. I think that there must be something bothering her because she was just far to short about far to many things. I'm not sure what to do, or where to go from here. I'm at the point where I feel that nothing I do is good enough, and that whenever I try to do anything it just blows up in my face. Man this sucks.
I need to find something positive to write about, all this negative shit is depressing.
That's sucks that your weekend wasn't relaxing for you.
I wouldn't say though that it was completely your fault though. If your best efforts don't get the best result it doesn't mean there was necessarily anything wrong with the effort.
Celia, at 1:41 PM
Well it sure as hell sounded and felt like it was all my fault.
Delgar, at 1:43 PM
Sometimes things can be no ones fault but it's easier to blame someone than have things be beyond your control. Even if that means blaming yoursef.
So you havent been to counciling, and you don;t think she'd go for it but would you consider it?
Celia, at 2:28 PM
I'd consider counciling. I have nothing against it. I'm not sure what it would solve for me to go alone.
Delgar, at 2:49 PM
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