Deep Thoughts By Jack Handy
Let's see where to start.
My wife and I met each other about 4 years ago. There was an instant attraction between us but I don't think we realized that right away. You see, she was married and I was in a relationship (I'll delve more into this later). Both of us were unhappy, she had just married a friend because of something bad that had happened in her past, and I was just settling for my first love because it was easier to do that than to move forward.
About three years ago, it became painfully obvious to me that I had feelings for this woman and I needed to make a choice. I had to either to stop things in their tracks or end the relationship with my girlfriend of 8 years. It was tough, but it had to be done. I ended the relationship, it didn't end well, but at least I was able to do it. I had told my now wife at the time, that I didn't do it for her, but for myself and that I did not expect her to do the same. Besides, she was married and that makes things slightly more complicated. Of course she ended the relationship with her husband and it was much more cordial than my break-up. Strange isn't it?
Anyway, after seperating from her husband, she needed a place to stay, so I moved in with her. Things between us got very hot and very heavy very quickly. Those first months of our relationship we couldn't keep our hands off each other. I was on the top of the world. We rented a two bedroom apartment and the day we signed the lease, we made love on the kitchen counter just after the leasing agent left the room, with the blinds wide open and without a care in the world. Things were great and things actually continued to be great for the next 7-8 months.
How do you keep that fire, that passion going throughout the life of a relationship?
Well during this time I had already finished my Masters and was teaching at the University and working for my ex-supervisor. She had motivated me to start moving on with my life and I started applying for real work and got a job in my field in San Diego. I bought a ring and I took her to the place where we had first kissed, the place where I first knew that my life was going to change (which happened to be a parking lot) and I got down on one knee (it was cold and wet I might add) and asked her to come with me on my journey. Looking back now I should have just asked her to marry me, but I was afraid of marriage for some lame reason. But she said yes, and all was good and happy!
Over the Christmas holidays of 2002 we drove down to San Diego with another couple that were friends. The trip was great, we stopped in Vegas for a couple of days and then in Anahiem for a few days. We had a blast.
We were now headed into our new life and things were looking great, or so I thought....
I'll post more later
"How do you keep that fire, that passion going throughout the life of a relationship?"
I will not marry again until I think I know the answer to that question. Of course, I'll probably be wrong, but it's a hard one to answer.
I'm at the very start of your journey. I know mine will have a very different ending.
At least we had nicer weather today, no? My truck's thermometer showed 61 at 3:30 this afternoon. It was worth yesterday's nasty rain.
Kalleigh Hathaway, at 7:59 PM
Wow, I'm surprised you stopped by!
Yes, the weather yesterday was very nice, althought I didn't get out of work until 5:30.
Well If I find the answer to that question I'll be sure to let you know. I'm working on it, and I'll continue working on it till the bitter end. :)
Delgar, at 8:42 AM
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