Baby Steps
Last night we took our dog to agility classes. He had a great time, this time he was very excited and running around like a mad dog. My wife, however, had hurt herself yesterday at the gym. Her knee was causing her a lot of pain so it was making it difficult for her to direct our dog properly. By the end of the evening she was in an extreme amount of pain.
The weird thing about agility class is a majority of the people there are female and non of their significant others are there watching and cheering on. So, I kind of feel out of place, but I definately want to support my wife and more importantly our dog (he's just so damn cute).
Anyway, so after agility class, we went straight home where I put my wife on the couch, got her a blanket and made her some tea and some snacks. We watched American Idol and then I took the dog out. After I came back, I cleaned up the bath tub and ran her a bath. I let her soak in peace and then off to bed we went. I was almost asleep, when she woke me up and aksed me to get her a drink, which I of course said "No!" At this point she proceeded to try and kick me out of bed, but she was still fairly sore from yesterdays work out. This then led to us wrestling around a bit, her trying to give me wet willies and me just trying to fend her off. I of course eventually got up and got her the drink because I always do. Then it was off to dreamland, and of course morning came far too quickly.
I'm still sexless in New Jersey, but things are getting better. :)
Thanks for linking to me. The action will be returned.
And glad to hear your evening went well.
Celia, at 1:08 PM
Hey, no problem. I can't just keep you all to myself. :)
Delgar, at 2:06 PM
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