The Friend
Okay, so today's Blog is devoted to someone, who is WAY more screwed up than I am.
See we have this friend back in San Diego, that I'll call V. Anyway, we met this guy V almost 2 years ago and we used to hang out from time to time with him and other people.
Over time we found out more and more about V. Like he plays the bass guitar, and that he's in a band, and that he takes it seriously. That's great, it's great for people to have goals. However, he's already 36 years old, he's really out of shape (read obese) and he wants to be a rocker.
Personally, I think the odds of him becoming a sucessful rocker are nill, but I'm not going to say that to him. Who am I to shatter someones dreams, not that they would listen anyway.
But the real story here, is the other member of their band. We'll call her R. Apparently R and V have been playing together for 7 or 8 years. Heck, V even followed her up to Seatle for a time being and they both ended up back in San Diego.
Now V works as a technical writer to pay the bills, he's not doing too bad brining in almost 80k a year. V thinks R is beautiful and talented. R is also a lesbian. R also lives with V. They live in a converted shed (total dump) near the ocean in San Diego. V pays for the studio they practice in and for the rent on the apartment. R contributes nothing. V pays for the adds, V pays for R's Cell phone, V lends R his car, V lends R money, V pays R's legal bills. For the last three years, V has supported R finacially. V could have bought a fricken house in San Diego buy now if he hadn't been supporting this leech. They try to get a band together, but R seems to have issues with anyone else joining the band. Hell they went through 4-5 qualified people in the time we knew them. How are you gonig to be sucessful if you can't even form a band? You get the picture.
V is basically married to R without benefits. He doesn't even realize that he's being used. He thinks he's doing it for the music, where in reality, she has him totally wrapped around her finger. Now, I tell my wife, V is a big boy and he can make his own decisions, but she really can't stand seeing him get used like this. So, she sets out to slowly make him realize that R is using him. It wasn't until we were actually leaving San Diego, that he was starting to come around, and it wasn't until we were in New Jersey that he finally decided to cut her off.
There was aparently even one time when V lent R his vehicle for her to drive to Arizona, instead she apparently got pulled over in Utah and they found weed in the vehicle, or something like that. He then ended up lending her money for legal bills. She claims she used to be a prostitute for the mob, but got out. How I wonder? She claims she has a criminal record, hence legal fees.
The wife did a background check on her, and found no evidence of a criminal record, or anything for that matter.
How can someone lie so much? How can someone fall for it?
Anyway, as it stands now, V has decided to finally cut her off, he's giving her no more money and has asked her to move out at the end of March. He cuts off her cell phone service, it was in his name. She begs for it. He refuses. She says she just found out that she has ovarian cancer, from a blood test and that she needs money for the surgery. He refuses. But for some strange reason she really, really needs the cell phone, and continues to beg for that money. Why would you even care if you had a cell phone if you have cancer? Shouldn't you be worrying more about the fact that she could be dying?? Yesterday, she threw a tantram and asked why he was doing this to her, why? why? why?
Right now, my wife and I don't believe she has cancer and that she just continues to try to up the ante and manipulate him into caving. I figure it's only a matter of time until he does, my wife is more optimistic. She's been talking to him and trying to build up his confidence and to make sure he's staying strong, but we'll see how long that lasts.
How does something like this happen? How does one become so blind?
Love. It's hard to believe someone you love and who deep down has potential to be a good person continually screws you over. Faith too. You always hope that the next thing you do to help will be the one to turn them around.
Giving up on someone is really hard.
Celia, at 12:55 PM
I think it has more to do with his low self confidence. She definately played on that. Played on the fact that he would be nothing without her, and he believed it. He believed he wasn't good enough and believed that he should be honored just to be in her presence.
That I just can't understand.
Delgar, at 3:17 PM
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