Another Day another Dollar
Today's post is brought to you by the letter "P".
Why P, I have no idea, I just decided to pick a letter and the first thing that popped into my head was P. Do I have to go to the bathroom, I don't think so. What is it about the letter P that has caused me to choose it? Do you know what I could be thinking about?
Well this post is pretty much going nowhere fast, kind of like my sex life. :)
Anyway, today my Chemistry is working well, and in about 20 minutes I have to go to our weekly company lunch meeting. Mmm free food. Afterwords I will continue to slave away on my project and hopefully discover something grand.
Last night, we worked out again. We're actually doing very well and sticking to our original 4 days a week. Afterwords I'm always very sore. Yesterday, I bumped up all the weight, just so I could get that extra level of soreness. Today, however I'm only a little bit stiff, in more ways than one.
After working out, putting away our stuff and cleaning up the kitchen, I tried to convince the wife to have a shower with me after I took the dog out. She said she would just shower in the morning. So I took the dog out for his evening walk and when I returned she was toweling herself off.
Ack! I had asked nicely, and she even said she wasn't going to bother showering!!! But after a few minutes in the shower I relaxed and let it go. It was probably for the best, if she had showered with me, I would have tried something and got shot down, and just angered us both I'm sure.
So, here I am rambling on and on about nothing. There is nothing too exciting going on, and I don't have any exciting plans for the future. Tonight we work out yet again, Friday I think we are going out for dinner with two other couples. Saturday we have to take the dog to the Vet to get a booster shot, and I think we're having coffee with someone. Other than that my weekend is free in clear. I think I'd like to spend a day just vedging, doing nothing to mentally challenging. I guess I'll have to wait and see.
This morning I woke up with a raging hard on, which is rather annoying when you really, really have to go to the bathroom. Trying to pee with even a slight chubby becomes challenging and occasionally messy. I suppose that was way too much information. Oh well. If I get a chance and my muse hits I'll be back later today.
Well, if you weren't starting out by thinking of P, you definitely ended up with it!
Thanks for answering my question. For some reason, I guess the routine, you seemed MUCH MUCH older than 29. I guess the routine. And how old is she?
Kalleigh Hathaway, at 1:48 PM
Nopers, I'm not an oldie. I'm just a youngin. My wife is a few years older than me, I will not reveal a ladies age, it's quite unbecoming!
However, we look about the same age and most people don't believe she's in her thirties.
I also look a lot younger if I shave off the evil goatee, but then it reveals the fact that I don't have an upper lip. But I digress.
Delgar, at 3:07 PM
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