Afternoon Delights
Well it's really starting to snow here, which made my decision to go home for lunch probably not the brightest thing that I should have done.
See when we were living in San Diego, my work was only 10 minutes away from home and there were several fast food joints on the way home, so at least once a week I would pick up food and head home for lunch and spend time with the wife. Occasionally we would walk the dog together or I would be kind and do it for her, if she was really in a writing groove.
However, now I live about 15-20 minutes away, which still isn't that far, but there is nothing between here and home where I can stop and pick something up. So, to pick up something for lunch I have to kind of drive out of my way, pick it up, head home and usually a good 40 minutes has already passed. But, today I decided I would head home and bring the wife some lunch and maybe take the dog out for her because it's damn cold and windy outside and I'm nothing if not a nice guy. ;)
So I drive to a fast food establishment that shall remain nameless and I decide to take what I think is a short cut, and probably would have been if I had turned at the right street, needless to say I sort of overshot where I was going and had to double back. The roads are starting to get worse and better yet my windshield wipers aren't really working properly! So finally I arrive at the fast food establishment that shall remain nameless wait 5 minutes to pick up my food and head on home. The weather is steadily getting worse, and it's slow going but I finally arrive at home. It's now been about 45 minutes, so not too bad, I'm doing okay for time. I was pretty much planning on being a little late coming back from lunch.
So, we enjoy a nice meal, chat a bit and make fun of the dog, and then I say I have to head back to work and that she'll have to take the dog out herself. She's still in her PJ's because she didn't get up until 11:30 today because she didn't sleep very well last night. She begs me to take the dog out with her. I tell her to get ready quickly, so we can do it and I can get back to work. She then asks if I want to have a shower with her and she tilts her head in that cute innocent way. Boy did I want to have a shower with her, but I didn't really have the time. She even pulled her PJ's down and showed off her ass.
Wow, let's just say that working out is doing wonders for her ass. Or maybe I'm just incredibly horny lately. But I still really don't have time, so I tell her that I'll run the dog out for her quickly. Then, she pulls down her pants again, showing me her ass, and she slightly bends over and says, "Don't you want to touch it?"
Ack, of course I want to touch it. I'm sure my breathing changed at that point and I'm sure my voice did. Blood stopped flowing to my brain and started flowing to my nether regions. The last thing I needed to do was wander around outside in the cold, walking the dog with a raging hard on. I quickly put the leash on the dog and was out the door.
After a quick tour around the complex I brought the dog back and was ready to just say bye and leave. But my wife got up as soon as I was in the door and came over to me. She hugged me, and started rubbing my butt and asked, "Are you sure you don't want to have a shower with me, the hot water, and rubbing soap all over me."
Oh god, of course I do, I thought to myself but I had to get back to work and I knew nothing would come of the shower. I told her that I had to get back to work and kissed her on the forehead, then she turned around and lowered her pants again and said, "Are you sure you don't want to touch it?"
I had to, there's only so many times a nice cute butt can be shoved in your face before you have to reach out and grab it. It was so smooth so warm, god I wanted her right then and there, but I knew that wasn't going to happen. I knew that she was teasing me, but I liked it.
I kissed her slightly on the lips and told her I had to go and that I hope she gets lots of writing done this week and then I left.
Of course the weather had continued to deteriorate, and by the time I had made it a few blocks I had thought to myself, that I just should have stayed home, had a shower and relaxed with my wife. Then when my windshield wipers were completely frozen and I was driving with an iced over window I thought to myself, man I'm an idiot.
So why don't you thing anything will happen when you get home? Or maybe what I'm really asking is why would she do that when she has no intention of (ever?) carrying it through?
I guess you can't answer for her, and I don't want to sound like I think she's doing something wrong, but that is what I wonder.
Celia, at 3:38 PM
That is a very good question to which I'm not sure I know the answer to. But I'll try to explain at least my thoughts on the matter.
At some point in our relationship, I think that sex for her became synonomous with pressure and in turn turned her off of it completely. This was probably in part to me not being a good sport when I got turned down.
What this meant is that she wouldn't start anything if it didn't lead to sex, and would pretty much put a stop to anything I tried. Just in case she didn't want to go all the way. Now this really put a damper on our sex life, even to this day.
But right now we're healing, and what she needs is to be able to flirt, tease and have fun without the pressures of sex and what I've learned (although the really long and hard way) is that all this flirting and teasing is fun. Even if all I get to do is touch her ass. Eventually it will lead to something. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but some day soon and hopefully things will be better in the future.
I'm not sure if this is right or explains things, but that is my thought process.
Delgar, at 3:55 PM
That was quite good actually. I guess it's just unfortunate that the whole thing happened. But yes, flirting and teasing can be fun if it moves forward eventually.
Celia, at 4:21 PM
I just have to learn to be patient. Something I'm not very good at. Especially when I'm extremely horny.
But I'm learning. :)
Delgar, at 4:43 PM
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