A Blast from the Past
I figured what the hell, this was something that I was thinking about from a comment I made a few days ago. I said something about there is something about a man in lab coat that just makes them hot. I was kidding but it kind of made me think of this:
See, I'm an organic chemist (read: Geek), and I when I met my know wife I had just finished Graduate School, but I was still working in the lab for my supervisor for a start up company that he and another professor were working on. I actually worked fairly hard for him, staying late many nights trying to get this horrible, and I mean horrible chemistry to work. However, he was really impressed by me and gave me a super reference letter.
My wife was fascinated with what I did, to me it didn't really make a lot of sense, but she thought what I did was really cool. So much so, that even when I would come home for dinner, she would ask if there was anything that I needed to do in the lab and could she come watch or help?
Now, this just floored me, my previous girlfriend, had no such interest in my work. So one day I decided to take her to the lab and show her what it is that I do. So, I showed her how one works up a reaction (which is different for every reaction) but usually at some point you have to strip off the solvent using a roto-evaporator (which is basically a vaccum, where you heat up the end with the solvent turning it into vapour and cool the other end so that it condenses in another flask) and then purify it. In undergrad labs this meant manually running a silica gel (fine white sand) column.
She really liked seeing me in action. For some reason it seemed to fill her with a sense of pride (something I'm sure I've sinced beat out of her by this point). It actually turned her on, seeing me do my job.
So, I would occasionally take her to work with me in the evenings when I had a few extra things to do and she would actually help out. It was fun, we bonded and all that. One, night when nobody was around, and while I was doing something in the lab, she came up behind me and just started stroking me. It was nice, but I told her to stop, what if someone came in. But she wouldn't stop, she just kept rubbing my crotch and smiling wickedly. I couldn't even concentrate on what I was doing.
She unzipped my pants, and continued to stroke me. Again I told her to stop, but this time I was actually trying to touch her back, but she shoved me away and just continued stroking. All the blood had left my head, I couldn't think anymore, my breathing was getting heavy and all I wanted to do was rip her clothes off and throw her on my desk. But she wouldn't stop and she wouldn't let me touch her and I couldn't hold it off for much longer. I exploded in her hands.
Then we just cleaned up and then I finished up my work.
The next day all I can remeber doing is smiling smugly at all my labmates.
Ah, those were the days. :)
i followed you from celia, and happy i did. xo
diandra, at 10:33 PM
Thanks for stopping by! :)
Delgar, at 10:16 AM
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