Easter Weekend
Here is a quick update of my fabulously exciting Easter Weekend.
Thursday Night:
The wife and I went out for dinner with another couple, just to a diner and we sat around and chatted for a few hours. Nothing really exciting happened there.
We hung out with the same couple during the day, did some shopping together and went out for dinner with them and another couple. Here's the fun part I guess. Usually when we go out for dinner after dinner we get the bill split three different ways. Usually this is not a problem. However, at this place if you don't ask for them to split the bill up front they won't split it. We had the manager come out to our table and he refused to split the bill. I mean how hard is it to split a bill? What if they made a mistake on the bill, they'd have to correct it, right? Well splitting the bill would be pretty much the same thing. I think that he didn't know how to work the cash machine properly. Anyway, the wife of the couple that we go out with often got fairly upset at this and started reaming out the manager, and finally we just payed our bill and left.
In the morning and afternoon we got our geek on with several people, and in the evening the wife and I just picked up some dinner at Boston Market and Collapsed at home. We were actually fairly exhausted because we hadn't had much time just vegging.
First thing Sunday morning while I was walking the dog by a fence in a field near our place, I heard the rustling of bushes and when I looked over I saw the bouncing white tail of a deer moving away from me. Looking closer through the fence I could see just a few feet away a deer staring straight at me, and just a few more feet away from him was another deer. I stood there silently with the dog and stared at them for a few minutes. They didn't even move. Such beautiful creatures. I could never be a hunter. I'm such a softy. Anyway, later that day we travelled to Pennsylvania to go to a grocery store, to pick up some vitamins for my wife and a few other odds and ends, we came home and cleaned up the house a bit and then just relaxed at home for the rest of the afternoon and evening. It was fairly nice. Around 8:00 I went out to pick up some snacks because for some reason I really wanted to snack on something. So I ended up going to a 7-11, where some guy was bitching at the shop keeper over 50 cents and threatening to call the police. Okay, wait a minute, why the hell would a customer call the police on a store? It didn't make any sense. He was causing quite the scene, but I just picked up my stuff and headed to the cash register, only to find out they only took cash. ACK. So I had to head on down to a different 7-11.
For the last few years my wife and I have been paying for almost everything via credit or debit, we don't often have cash. I'm still surprised by places taking cash only, I mean come on join the 90's at least sheesh.
Anyway, I managed to pick up some very healthy snacks, okay not really but gummy bears and beef jerkey are almost healthy aren't they? Anyway, at about 10:00 my wife asked me if I wanted to have a shower with her and I of course said yes. So we showered, I got re-dressed and took the dog out and we popped in a movie and went to bed.
Weekend Summary:
The Good: Hung out with people and socialized and cleaned up the house.
The Bad: We slacked off and didn't excercise, it's time to head our lazy asses back to the gym and there was not even the hint of sexual activity.
*nod* gummies and jerky are fabulous! I could subsist on the jerky alone for a few months. ;)
sounds splendid! every once in a while, a respite from work outs and just plain enjoying eachother is fabulous.
outside of the lame-o manager, and irate customers, was a very serene pic you painted.
nice post.
Becks, at 12:59 PM
Wow, usually on the nice posts I get no comments.
People mostly want to see horror and drama.
Delgar, at 1:47 PM
so true! You never hear anyone going "wow, traffic was great and people were driving nicely!"
it's always "you should have seeeen this wreck!!"
Becks, at 9:11 AM
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