Well after nearly a week off from the gym we went last night, and let me tell you it was painful. My legs are still aching from the pain and right now all I want to eat is a greasy burger.
So, I went home last night after an okay day at work, and I made a quick dinner, read one of my wifes short stories, and took the dog for a walk. Then it was off to the place of torture for 2 hours of grueling excercise.
So, we played squash for an hour, which is our usual schtick. But this time after game two I was exhausted. I was breathing heavy, I was sweating. I was tired and it was pathetic. I mean it's only been like 6 days. 6 lousy days and my body was making me pay for taking the time off. So, we played three more exhausting sqaush games, and I was beat.
Now, we still had all our weights to do, and I just wanted to get them over with. After only doing the Chest Fly, Row machine, and bicep, I wanted to stop. But that was just the begining. In my mind I was ticking them off as I was going, next was the leg press, hammer press (squat machine), leg extension and leg curl. My legs were aching, but I wasn't done yet. I still had lots of machines to go. Then it was the shoulder press, leg abduction, and the instrument of torture (see here Another night of Pain and Suffering ). Okay, I was tired, but I was on the home stretch. What I didn't realize is that my heart was just beating away. I did the leg aduction and I was down to only two more pieces of equipment. The torso rotation machine and the ab machine. I was home free. Only my body decided at this point it had had enough. I was on the torso rotation machine when all of a sudden I started to feel nauseous. I had that feeling in the back of my throat that I was going to throw up all over the equipment. I quickly made my way to the changing rooms and sat on the toliet and relaxed. It was at this moment that I could just feel my heart pounding in my chest. I had overworked myself to the point of making myself sick. A few more minutes of rest, relaxation and deep breathing and I was starting to feel fine again. But I skipped my last two excercises and next time I won't make the same mistake.
After working out we went and got a frosty (I know, I know, but you do need to eat something after working out) and believe me it was so good. I cannot describe how good that frosty tasted. Anyway, after that I pretty much collapsed on the couch for an hour and then took the dog out, and by the time we got into bed I was completely exhausted and basically passed out.
So there you go, another exciting and tiring evening.
I'll do a chemistry update later today, on something I will be doing this afternoon (again very general).
When I first started the recumbant bike, I was all jazzed to really get my heart pumping. then I found out I was working at about 50bpm more than I should. *blink* might want to keep a check on that so your work outs are optimum. :) -- for me it is keeping myself from keeling over, dead. hehe.
Becks, at 12:33 PM
It's the first time ever in my life anything like that has ever happened. That's how I know I'm getting old. :)
Delgar, at 12:38 PM
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