Delgar's Domain

Monday, April 18, 2005

Monday Madness

Well it's Monday morning and I have very little to report.

We did not go out for dinner on Friday with friends. Instead we went out ourselves, and then went shopping. We picked up a few odds and ends and then my wife got her hair dyed red and cut. It actually looks pretty good. Wow, more reasons for me to want to have sex with her. :)

Saturday, we went out for lunch with friends, and it was okay, but afterwords I think my wife and I just wanted to be alone. So, we went for a bit of a drive and stopped at a pet store. During the drive my wife asked me, "Pretend we were getting married again and had to write the vows, what would you say?"

Ack! What would I say? Here I am driving down the turnpike and I get hit with this whammy. I'll be honest, I don't usually think of why or how, I just know. Now my command of the English language is spotty at the best of times and I'm known for saying the wrong things at the wrong times. How was I going to survive this one.

So, I took a few moments to gather my thoughts. As we were driving down the turnpike, I saw a pair of Canadian geese on the side of the road, something that is a very common sight here in New Jersey. Here is what I said to her:

"My love for you is like that of a goose, I've searched out all the flocks for my perfect match, for with whom I'm destined to wander the fields and the skies with forever."

Anyway, it sounds kind of lame writing it here. Plus there was a whole lot of pressure and not a lot of time. But she was actually kind of impressed.

Anyway, we spent the rest of the evening watching T.V. and playing around on the computer.

Sunday was work out day. We worked out, and by the end of it I was exhausted. We went and grabbed a bite to eat and then trucked off home. Where we were invited to a BBQ with friends. I think any other day we would have jumped at the chance, but today we were tired and not really in the mood for company. So, we took a rain check and just hung out at home, watched a cheesy movie on Sci-Fi and played on the computer.

Anyway, today I have lots of work to do. Mainly because I'm heading to Houston on Wednesday and won't be back till Friday, so I'll only have a short week in the lab this week.


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