WooHoo Friday!
Well it is now Friday, I just have to get through today and I'll have two days of rest and relaxation. At least I hope I'll have two days of rest and relaxation.
Today I have a couple of compounds that I need to submit for testing and they both should prove to be interesting or at least give us further understanding of our project. It's always nice to have those kind of compounds. Also, today we are interviewing a new chemist and I get to have lunch with her (as well as 3 other employees). She gave a talk this morning and it wasn't too bad, but the most notably thing about her is she's actually quite attractive. Which in a Chemistry setting is rare indeed. Perhaps I'm just incredibly horny and I'm lowering my standards but she is quite cute. She's originally from Lebanon and she has the most interesting eyes. Anyway, enough of that. Lunch should be good, at least I don't have to pay for it. :)
Last night the wife and I went to the gym, we called ahead and booked a squash court. We showed up and started playing squash and then two guys came and told us that they had the court booked, which couldn't be the case because we called ahead and booked the squash court right? Well turns out the person I talked to didn't write it down in the book so we had to leave the court. This pissed my wife off something fierce. She was irrated before but after this happened she just kind of blew up. To me it wasn't a big deal, we didn't get in our whole squash game no big deal, we have no plans for the weekend so we can go in any time and play squash (we are going in tonight to play). Anyway, she was so furious that she didn't do the rest of her weights and actually went and waited in the car until I finished my weight routine. Anyway, I tried to find out what bug crawled up her ass, but to no avail. It really must be something, but I'm not sure what.
The other thing that I was thinking about yesterday is that our Anniversary is coming up pretty quickly here and I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to do for this year. Then I realized that I'm going to be in Houstan on business the day before and arriving back home on our anniversary. Which means I'll have to have a game plan before I head out of town, which makes life much more difficult. I'm really not sure what to do for her this year, anyone have any ideas? Usually I'm good at this, but this year I'm just drawing a blank.
Anyway, I guess I can look forward to the weekend, but I doubt that it will break my dry spell.
1) what's the deal with squash
2) what anniversary is it (years?)
3) maybe her bug is about the 6 weeks. wanting to go, not wanting to be gone?
Becks, at 12:02 PM
1) Squash is a fun racket sport, like racketball, but better.
2) only the 2nd
3) Possibly
Delgar, at 1:08 PM
1) sounds dangerous.
2) Ooo. yeah. better have a good game plan. when is it, officially? Maybe I can help you noodle on the matter. :D I dig stuff like that.
3) *nod* a short cut to finding out is accusing her of being PMSee. ;) KIDDING. unless you have a good cod piece. *wink*
Becks, at 4:21 PM
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