Spring is in the Air
Well it is definately spring time here in New Jersey.
I say that because when I took the dog out this morning, it was bright and sunny and there were a ton of different types of birds flying around and chirpping merrily. It was a very good morning.
So, last night when I was walking the dog after work we have this large clearing near our complex that I take him to fairly often, however, today as we were just entering the clearing we had an audience at the other end watching our every move. There were about 8 deer ranging in sizes from small to large staring at us intently. The dog of course ran to the end of his leash and choked himself, all the while I sat there watching the deer. They didn't move they just watched. So, I decided not to interupt whatever nefarious plans that they had and I decided to scoot around the clearing. At one point there is a building between me and the deer and the whole herd moved to the other side of the clearing so they could continue to watch us as we came out from the other side of the building. It was kind of cool, we were be followed by the deer. I'm sure they just wanted to be sure that we weren't trying to sneak up on them, but it was kind of cool. Something that would NEVER happen in San Diego.
We worked out last night, did the whole routine, squash for an hour and then our weights. Afterword I was pretty exhausted. I didn't get a lot of sleep the night before and the work out definately tired me out. So, I took the dog out a little earlier and we went to bed a little bit earlier than normal, and today I'm not quite as tired. Funny how that works out. :)
Tonight shall be another night of pain and suffering, but I should be getting in shape right? Well as of last night I'm 3 pounds heavier than when I started. So, I suppose that it could be muscle or I could just becoming an even fatter bastard. :)
I was/am starting to get *mad* that I will ride for nearly 9 miles on the recumbant bike and my weight hasn't moved. I'm even counting calories! Then someone reminded me that muscle weighs more, and with my high testosterone, I tend to build more/faster. whaa whaa whaa. I just want to be a twig. why can't I be a twig?
Yours, in suffering and the quest for fitness.
Becks, at 2:16 PM
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