Blog'a'Thon Questions
Okay here goes, here are my answers to the blog'a'thon questions that I said I would do:
1 – Your "geekiness" comes through on your blog from time to time, which is generally an unpopular image to have as a pre-teen and teenager. Did your personality traits growing up cause you some discomfort in social cliques? If so, give an example of a detrimental experience which has shaped you into who you are today.2 – You're a native of Canada who has been living in the States for quite some time now. What's the biggest difference you see between these two American cultures?3 – Your wife is going away for an extended period of time soon. What three things will you miss most about her while she's gone? (Bonus points given if, after she returns, you follow up and muse about whether the things you thought you'd miss most about her really were the things you did miss most!)4 – if you were told you had six months to live and then were granted a wish by the people with the resources and inclination to do those sorts of things (or the fairy love goddess who brought us this blog-a-thon, perhaps), what one thing would you want to do before you die?5 – You've spoken about your estrangement with family members and, I believe, that you and your wife do not intend to start your own family. If God/Fate saw fit to bring you your own child, what would be your biggest concern/s upon learning of the pregnancy?
1 - I don't think that my geekiness really caused me any discomfort growing up. I wasn't an uber geek, in the sense that I studied all the time. Things just seemed to come naturally for me. I found that if I just applied myself a little (very little I should add) that I could do fairly well in school. So, I didn't get to bang the prom queen, although in Canada there is no such thing as a prom queen, but I digress. I definately had lots of friends all through my sholastic years, and I always have had 1-4 really good friends throughout my entire life. I feel you don't really need more than 1 or 2 good friends, the rest are really just there for something to do occasionally. My dating life in high school definately was not great, I think it was mainly that I had fairly low self esteem, I was very awkward and that I tended to set my sites super high. This didn't really improve until University, where I had a long term girlfriend throughout. That didn't work out in the end, and I ended up marrying someone else. Long story. So, I suppose being a geek affected me socially, but not really detrementally. I'm still learning to this day how to deal with people, I'm still a fairly shy person in unfamiliar surroundings, but once I get to know people, I'm can be a lot of fun.
2- The biggest difference between Canada and the States? I'd have to say that's a difficult question to answer. I mean they are VERY similar. Our cultures are very similar. I notice a lot of little small things that are different. I mean health care is different, but because I work for a larger company with benefits, you really don't notice the difference. Taxes are different, but becuase I live in New Jersey, I don't really notice the difference :). I can tell you the things I miss most about Canada:
- Slurpees. Slurpees in Calgary are WAY better than anything I've ever had anywhere in the states. I don't know what it is, but Canada just knows how to make slurpees. Here they seem to be very sweet and very airy. I can't really explain it, you really need to taste the difference
- Movie Theatres in Calgary are far superior to any I've been to down here. First, every movie theater has over 1 dozen automated movie ticket booths, meaning no line ups! Second, you actually have several fast food restaurants, starbucks, etc. inside the theatre in addition to regular movie fair. The Kool-Aid slurpees are to die for, trust me.
- Ketchup potatoe chips. I love Ketchup potatoe chips, they are the best. Mmmmm good. Second would be Dill Pickle, another choice not available down here.
- Chocolate bars in Canada aren't packed with wax like down here! I miss my Coffee Crisps. Very good.
- Coke is actually made with sugar, none of this High Fructose Corn Syrup bullshit and Moutnain Dew is Caffeine free.
Wow, there's a lot of food on that list, you'd think I was a fatty! That's all I can think of off the top of my head. I could care less about politics, etc. In general, we have it pretty good here in North America, so really I can't complain too much.
3- My wife is going away on Friday, and I'm really going to miss her. I'd like to say that the thing I will miss most is Sex, but I already miss that, so I'll think of something else. What I'm really going to miss is just having someone there to talk to when I get home, just someone to sit with, or go for a walk with. I will miss just her presence. Plus, I will definately miss having her sleeping beside me, even though I sleep pretty soundly through the night, it's nice to wake up beside someone. She also is the one that gets me up in the morning, usually by kicking my ass out of bed, but I forsee a few late days to work because of me not getting up on time. I'll get to talk to her on the phone I'm sure, but it just won't be the same as having her there. But what three things, hmmm that's tough:
- Waking me up in the morning
- Cleaning (she likes a clean place and I hate cleaning, I help out as much as I can, but I'm not ambitious enough to keep it as clean as she likes)
- Just hanging out on weekends, going for a drive, visiting friends. That kind of thing.
I'm really going to miss her, but I'm very happy for her at the same time. It's a good opportunity for her, and who am I to stop her from that?
4- This question is incredibly difficult. Well I'd definately have to choose between
- Sex with Sarah Michelle Gellar
- Or a trip into space
Perhaps they would let me combine the two for something really exciting. I mean the video alone would sell for millions right? I can dream!
5- Yes, I definately have an estrangement from my family and if my wife were to become suddenly pregnant, that I would most definately become a HUGE believer in GOD, because she'd be carrying around Jesus II. As it stands now, we are unable to have children, so if she became pregnant it would be one hell of a miracle. I don't usually tell people that, I usually just say that we don't want to have kids. Which is true, but the greater truth is that we can't have kids. However, if at some later point in our lives, we wish to have children, there is always adoption or surrogates. If it could happen and it did, I don't think I'd be overly concerned. I think we could do okay as parents. I don't see us in the foreseeable future, trying to adopt or go via another route, but you never know right?
Well there you have it, the answers to the 5 questions. I don't think that I did them all justice, but it's done! If you have any further questions or want more information don't be afraid to ask!
Wow!! That was a great post! :) I was totally into it.
Do me a flavor.. email me, I have a @ for ya.
also, I think I know the difference you mean in the slurpees. Circle K had more of an actual slush. They don't have those here, just 7-11's, so I guess I miss them, myself.
Ketchup potatochips... well, that would take some convincing.
Becks, at 12:03 PM
Once you try ketchup potatoe chips any other chip you eat just won't be the same trust me.
Mmmmm good.
I so wish I had a bag of ketchup potatoe chips right now.
Delgar, at 3:08 PM
Read this from my handheld when you posted it so I forgot to comment. But thanks for answering (and your patience!)!
Kalleigh Hathaway, at 5:35 PM
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