The Weekend (So far)
Well I thought I was going to be blogging a lot more this weekend, but as it turns out my dance card filled up rather quickly.
Friday night, I went out for dinner with the same two couples that the wife and I do dinner and stuff with occasionally, and one of the couples has a few guests in town so that made for a bigger party. After dinner, the group decided that they wanted to go see Batman Begins. Now, my wife had no desire to see this movie and because I'm just so easy and really had nothing better to do, I went along for the ride.
I just have to say, that it was a great movie. I really enjoyed it. Sure there were plot holes that you could drive a train through (they actually did at one point but I digress), but I mean it's a comic book movie. What comic book movie doesn't have plot holes. But, I just have to say that I enjoyed it immensely. I highly recommend that anyone go see it. It's much darker than the other movies, and it's got kind of a creepy feel to it. It was well done, what can I say.
So, I got back last night after midnight and took the dog for a walk. Only to have the police drive up next to me and ask me what building I was standing by. Turns out they were headed off to get a party shut down. Kind of lame actually. I mean it was Friday night, who cares if there is a bit a noise. Ah well I'm sure I'll become a codger some day.
So, Saturday, the dog and I hung out in the afternoon and then it was off to a barbecue with the same people from last night. Good food, good people, nice weather. It was fun, what can I say. It was nice to get out, sit outside, drink, eat and be merry.
Once again I didn't get home until after midnight and took the dog for a walk, this time no police, but I did see the same apartment having a party. I guess they are moving out this week and don't really give a rats ass. Ah to be a young punk again!
That brings us to now, where I'm writing on my blog about absolutely nothing of any relevence. I need to spice this thing up a bit.
Ahh, so on my way home from work yesterday, a little baby deer bounded out of the bushes into the street. I slammed on my brakes as did the car coming from the other direction and the baby deer bounded back off the road back into the bushes. I'm so glad I didn't hit the baby deer, I would have felt really bad. I'm a big softie for animals. I honestly think that I'd actually have a much easier time killing a person than an animal. I think it has to do with animals basically being innocent creatures driven by instinct and the fact that humans can be malicious. But, once again I digress. Anyway, so I didn't hit the baby deer and hopefully it decided that crossing the street wasn't necessary.
Well I'm tired right now, so I should wander off to sleep before I reveal any of my deep dark secrets.
sounds like you are making reasonable use of your wife-away-time. *grin* Good for you!! and yay you for not smushing the deer. *nod* I hit a big ass cow once. totalled the truck. it was uglay
Becks, at 12:06 PM
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