Almost the Weekend!
Well it's Friday! Yay!
Tonight I'm going over to a friends place for dinner and it should be fun, but as for the rest of my weekend, well it's up in the air. I think on Sunday I'll spend the day with the dog, we'll hang, we'll eat unhealty food, it will be great!
I talked to my wife yesterday. Things seem to be going fairly well and she's learning tons. I asked her if she's glad she went to the workshop and if she feels that she has a chance of becoming published. She of course was 100% glad that she attended the workshop because she's learning tons about the industry and her writing and what she needs to do. As it turns out, each author has a 1 on 1 with the students several times over the course of their week there. During that time the author reads all of their work and tells them what's good, whats bad, what you need and how you're improving. She beamed with a certain sort of confidence on the phone and definately thought that she has a real shot and being published. Things seem to be going fairly well for her. Apparently she's going to be turning me into her biggest critic, so that she can constantly improve herself. My problem is I'm far to easily pleased, so that will be interesting.
When she gets back she's probably going to be starting a blog, and talking about her experiences at the workshop. Most likely about the Big Brother like drama that occured in the house, as well as her journey to becoming a writer. Of course she has no idea that I blog here, so hmmm...
Hopefully she doesn't find some hunky writer and run off with him leaving me and the dog alone. :(
Anyway, this week sucked. Work sucked, mainly because things aren't working for me in the lab. It's kind of funny how Chemistry works. One week things are good, one week things are bad. It's all part of the job!
Right now I'm really hungry, but I didn't bring any lunch (grrrrowl). There might be some leftovers from yesterdays free lunch, but I'll have to wait until 12 until I can even find out.
So what's everyone else up to this weekend? Hmmm?
I'm still reading you too.
Celia, at 2:42 PM
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