I have been negligent
Well I apologize for my lack of posting. Not that I have any readers anymore anyway. :(
Life has been hectic, but not exciting hectic or anything of any interest that I could post hectic. Work is going smashingly well, our project is moving full steam ahead, heck I could even be part of a small drug that changes the world. In another 7 or so years or so. :)
My wife is doing well and has just started back into her writing as well as volunteering at a magazine in New York a few times a week.
The animals are getting along, the dog chases the cat, the cat hides, the cat sneaks around, the cat swats at the dog, the dog chases the cat, rinse lather repeat. They seem to enjoy each others company. The cat really loves the dog, every morning when I let the dog out of the room the cat comes over, follows the dog and rubs up against his legs. Awww, isn't that cute. We had one incident when my wife and I were in another room and the pets were elsewhere and the dog started FREAKING out at the cat. I'm guessing just just got on his nerves and he told her to go Fuck herself. But other than that the pets are getting along great and my allergies seem to be holding out fine.
My relationship with my wife is not where I wish it was, we have some issues that I'm personally working on, but I don't know if she's on board or not. Hopefully some day soon I can report great things from that front.
Anyhoo, just let me know if you're still out there. :)
I'm still alive; I'm glad to hear that you are too.
Kalleigh Hathaway, at 4:36 PM
agreed. Nice to see you around.
Celia, at 6:09 PM
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