Delgar's Domain

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Day 2

Well I started driving again, we had already lost an hour traveling from California to Arizona so we didn't start out our driving day until about 10:00 AM. I drove for about 6 hours, stopping only once for gas in some small town in New Mexico and my wife continued sleeping for a few hours because she didn't sleep all that well. I think the stress of the job search, interview process, offers and finally the move had finally caught up with her and she was exhausted. Let me just say, driving through Arizona and New Mexico is Boring. I can't even remember what I was thinking about while driving, well I am male so I'm sure once every ten seconds it involved something sexual.

Well it was getting close to 4:00 and I was getting tired of driving so we decided to stop in a place called Truth or Consequences, NM; to fill up with gas and grab a bite to eat. So we went to a subway to have a sub and my wife just had to know why this place was called Truth or Consequences. The conversation went a little something like this; now keep in mind that the employee at Subway was a very homely looking, overweight girl in her 30's:

Wife: So how did the town get it's name?
Sub: Some gameshow back in the 50's asked for a town to change it's name and our town volunteered.
Wife: Is there any prominant industry or anything in the area to keep people here?
Sub: Nope, just old people and family's that were brought up here.
Wife: Are you from here?
Sub: Nope, I'm from Albuquerque. My boyfriend and I used to come down here with our son to visit the lake and one day just decided to move down here. We only stayed together for a few months after that. I didn't want to take my son away from his father so I stayed. We now have two more kids and I'm working here to pay the bills.
Wife: Do you like it here?
Sub: Not really, the peole are nice but once you get to know them they're fairly boring

Now that's not exactly how it all happened, but the gist was she came down with her boyfriend, they broke up, she stayed and had two more kids with him. Can you say Jerry Springer?

Anyway, my wife took over driving after that, and I had a nice nap in the back seat. I think I only managed to nap for an hour or two and then jumped back up front. We talked for a while and decided that our final destination for the evening would be Amirillo, TX. As the miles floated by we continued to flirt and joke around, and I made a comment about how I missed out on Arizona, but I still had a chance for New Mexico.

My wife raised her eyebrows and said "but we aren't stopping until Amirillo"

I looked at her and smiled, "We could just pull over somewhere".

At this point I was sure she was going to say no, I haven't gone into all the idiosyncrasies of our relationship yet but let me just say at this point we haven't had any sort of sexual relations for a while (read months). So what she said next both shocked and excited me.

I'll continue this later...

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Not Sure What to Write

I started this Blog a week ago and inspiration has yet to hit me. I'm not exactly sure what to write or to who I want to read this. So what to do:

Day 1:

Well I guess just recently I made a big move across the country from the west coast to the east coast (California to New Jersey). It was an even bigger move than my original move from Canada to California. The drive across the country was rather enjoyable, after the movers packed up all our earthly belongings my wife, the dog and I hit the road and drove from San Diego, CA to Tuscon, AZ. My wife wasn't feeling well because she didn't sleep much the night before, most likely because of stress of the move, so I drove the whole way. It actually wasn't too far, probably about 6 hours or so. The drive itself wasn't all that exciting, my wife actually slept for a few hours and by the time we reached Tuscon we were both fairly exhausted. We stayed at a fairly cheap but nice hotel, and snuck the dog up the elevator which was actually kind of interesting seeing his reaction to the moving floor. I slept soundly that night in preparation for a long day of driving the next day.

Wow, this is actually pretty boring, I wish I could spice it up a little, but nothing really exciting happened on the first day. Well I guess the only thing that was exciting was that we stopped for gas in Yuma, AZ. The sun was just about to set and I pulled into the station and started pumping gas. Now, whenever I pump gas I always seem to look around and watch all the other people pumping gas, well as it just so happens, a car load of young girls just pulled up on the other side of the pump. I only glanced over once or twice, but later as I was inside the gas station picking up some munchies and more water for the road, and relieving a heavy bladder, I could have swore that a couple of the girls were checking me out. Now to some people this might not be a big deal, but I'm not the hottest hunk in the world, by a long shot. I don't think I'm horribly unattractive or disfigured, but I'm just not all that and a bag of chips either. Now, I wasn't completely sure that they were checking me out, but I paid for the stuff and went outside to go walk the dog. As I was walking the dog, the whole group came out of the store and continued to check me out. They got in there car, drove by me and I swear the whole car was checking me out like I was a piece of meat, and I have to say it made me feel good.

Anyway, this is pretty lame, but I have to run. If anyone checks this out feel free to comment. I'll post more later.


Monday, January 17, 2005

First Post

Right now, I'm just checking out everything to see if this is all working. I'm sure I will fill up netspace with a bunch of garbage soon.