Delgar's Domain

Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Well once again it's been awhile since I've updated, mainly because I've been rather busy at work trying to make progress. :)

Anyway, my wife's foot is still swollen and she's still hobbling around, but yesterday she started writing again, which is good because she only has about a month until she leaves for her workshop. She needs to get all her stories out and submitted while she's away, which means finishing up the ones she's started, and editing the ones that need to go out. She's in a much better mood this week, less defeatist and more optomistic.

I'm still doing whatever I can to help out around the house, I cleaned the apartment this weekend, I did laundry, I got food, I got snacks. However, she still insists on doing more than she should, and continues to ignore anything I have to say in the matter. :) Women, so damn stubborn.

This weekend was okay, for the most part we stayed at home. However, we did head out to a friends place for dinner on Friday and watched a movie at their place and on Sunday we went out and had coffee at a friends place and just sat outside on the deck chatting. Other than that we sat around at home playing a computer game.


So, right now my wife and I are playing a game called Star Wars Galaxies, it's a MMORPG. Which in non-geek speak means, Massively Multiplayer Online Role-playing Game. Basically, a bunch of geeks playing the same game all at once. Anyway, my wife and I had picked up Everquest 2, awhile back because some friends were playing it and it was something that we could do together that didn't involve us watching t.v. So, we played Everquest 2 for awhile and we really enjoyed it, but my wife started to have the desire to fly a spaceship and blow things up, so we decided to try out Star Wars Galaxies.

I'm a big fan of the Star Wars Universe. Probably because I watched the original movies over and over and over again as a child. Now, I know Lucas has botched up the Prequels, but for some reason the whole universe just makes for a great video game experience. Droids, Blasters, Lightsabers, Land speeders, strange exotic creatures and wookies, you can't forget wookies. So, of course the first thing I did was make a wookie named Rarwarg, when I loaded the game up. :)

So for the past week we've been playing and having a blast. My wife really enjoys piloting her ship around space and blowing up pirates, looting their remains and fixing up her ship. Plus, shes working towards becoming a creature handler. Meaning that she'll be able to tame baby creatures, train them, raise them and sick them on people. :) She's looking forward to getting her first Rancor (The big creature that tries to eat Luke in Return of the Jedi, in Jabba's palace). Right now she has a little Zucca Boar named Lulu and a Womp Rat named Ratty. :)

I myself haven't decided what direction I want to head head, but that's one of the interesting thigns about the system, you can always change your mind and head in a different direction than where you started.


Anyway, so other than that, not much else of any interest happened this weekend. The good news, is that my wife has booked her flight for her trip and were getting everything in order for her departure. She's still a little nervous about the whole thing, but who can blame her?

Seeing that I'm being really geeky today, maybe I'll do another Chemistry lesson.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Tragedy Strikes

Well I wasn't at work yesterday, and I'm extremely busy today so here is a quick a dirty littly update.

Recently, my wife and I have been going to the gym regularily. Usually 3-4 times a week. We always play squash for about an hour and then do weights. We probably only do weights 3 times a week at most. So, our trips to the gym were going fairly well, and we were getting in shape. I'm actually starting to see muscle tone on my body. WooHoo, someday I'll be a meathead!!

Anyway, on Tuesday night tragedy struck. We had played two really long but good games of squash, in which my wife beat me both times. She was basically kicking my ass up and down the court. We took a quick breather and then started playing our third game. I think we were only a few points in when I was up towards the front wall and hit a shot, and then I heard my wife crash and cry out. I of course quickly rushed to her aid, and she was in a lot of pain. Someone else had also heard and ran off to get the gym staff.

She had landed on the outward facing side of her foot and collasped. She said she heard a crunching noise and was in a lot of pain. I feared the worst, I thought she had broken it. With the help of the friendly gym staff and a wheel chair we were off to the hospital.

We've been down in the states for 2 and half years and have never really had a need to go to a hospital. Plus, we've only been in New Jersey since January, so we actually had no idea where a hospital was, but as it turns out we actually live really close to one (5 mins to be exact). My wife was embarassed by the whole incident and kept apologizing to me. She felt like such a fool injuring herself playing squash. I kept reasuring her that injuries are common in all types of sports and athletics and to not .

We got to the hospital (after asking someone where it was) and I went in got a wheel chair and wheeled her in. So, there we are waiting in the hospital emergency room still in our gym clothes. My wife was very nervous, and I did everything in my power to try and comfort her. Her foot was hurting a lot.

We actually didn't have to wait that long, I think after about 15-20 minutes we went back for a quick assesment, filled out some paper work and then were taken into an emergency room. You know the ones with the little curtain. I did my best to keep morale high by cracking jokes, but apparently I told a few good ones, because she was laughing so hard she caused herself even more pain. Silly me.

While we were waiting, this one older gentlemen with two older ladies kept trying to sneak out of the emergency room to have a smoke. To the point where the nurses had to call security to bring him back. He was apparently loaded, and the hospital was liable for him, so he was not allowed to leave the premises. From looking around and listening in the emergency room it looked to be more like a drunk tank than anything else.

Finally the doctor saw us, and sent us back for an X-ray. Wow, I needed to see a doctor to tell me that. Sheesh. Anyway, the X-ray came back negative. It turns out that she had torn some ligaments in her foot. They fitted her with a self molding splint, gave her some crutches and sent her on her way.

All and all, the trip to the hospital wasn't that bad. We were there for a grand total of 2 hours, including the x-ray, and everything else. It could have been a lot worse. The nurse had said had we showed up the day before we would have been waiting 6-7 hours. I have to say that nurses are very nice and friendly and doctors are assholes. But well, who didn't know that right? It takes a certain amount of arrogance to become a doctor right? Ah well.

It wasn't really the evening we had planned, but it wasn't as bad as it could have been and we won't be playing squash for awhile. On Friday, we go to see the specialist, so that we can figure out what we need to do to get her back on track, and hopefully we can get her healed an healthy in no time.

Wednesday, I took the day off, so that I could help her out and I really didn't want to leave her at home alone for her first day on crutches. So, I tidied up the house, got her lunch, dinner, and basically waited on her hand a foot. She hated it. Today, she's at home alone and she just called me a few minutes ago to say that she's already had a shower and vacuumed. Can you believe that she actually vacuumed while hobbling. Man, she really doesn't know how to relax, I'll definately have to work on her.

Anyway, I have to run. Work is calling. I have to take off a bit earlier today so I can take the doggy out. The last thing I need is her hopping down three flights of stairs with a dog.

Monday, May 02, 2005

It's been far too long

Wow and entire week has gone by and I haven't updated my blog.

Well the past week has been fairly good, fairly busy, but fairly good. Work is going well, but I tend to be fairly busy at work, which is why I haven't updated my blog. I will try to remedy that this week. I'd hate to loose the two or three readers that I have. :)

Things are also going fairly well at home. Twice last week my wife woke me up in the middle of the night very horny and randy, which lead to two very hot sexual encounters, and two VERY tired days the next day. Getting woke up at 3:00 AM for sex is good, getting up at 6:30 the next day is not so good. :) I'm not complaning, I good to go whenever; I guess that's a side effect of being male.

The weekend was good, we basically relaxed at home for most of it, which was kind of nice. However, we did go shopping at an outlet mall on Saturday, for pink shoes. Am I not the perfect husband? Plus we went out for coffee on Sunday with our friends.

The bad news, is that my wifes story finally got rejected by the anthology that she submitted too, but on the plus side, it was the last story rejected and the editor recommend that she submit it to the next one, which is being reviewed right now. Which means, it's good, it just didn't make the cut. She's so close to getting published I can almost taste it.

We watched a really cheesy movie on Sci-Fi on Saturday called, "The Skeleton Man". Now, normally I wouldn't sit down and watch this kind of drivel. Oh, who am I kidding, I watch all kinds of cheesy movies. But this movie was just terrible. The Skeleton Man, was this ancient native spirit that had been disturbed, except that he was wearing a black polyester cloak, using a brand new axe and a Medival two-handed sword to dispatch his enemies. It was also edited so bad, that there were several scenes that were just confusing. All in all, I have to wonder how this stuff gets made, I mean I could write better than that without trying. Hell, I'm sure my dog could write better (even thought it would probably involve a lot of bunnies, bitches and treats. :) ).

So, I took the dog for a walk on Sunday morning. He was going all crazy, tracking some animal, running to the end of the leash choking himself. So, here is my crack hunting dog on the trail of some creature, pulling me along. So, for some strange reason, I look to the left into the trees. The dog has already passed this point and is still trying to pull me forward and would you believe that standing in the trees, on the other side of a wire fence were three deer. They were at most 10 feet away, I could almost reach out and touch them. The most amazing thing is that my super hunting dog, missed them completely. I was flabergasted. So, there I am standing on the other side of the fence staring at 3 amazingly beautiful deer and they are just staring back at me. I see them every couple of days, but everytime that I get this close to them, I'm just amazed. I wonder what they're thinking? Anyway, they stood there staring for a good 2-3 minutes before they finally bolted back into the bushes. It's strange how good it feels just to see a couple of deer.

I don't have any life altering news to report. The wife and I did invest in a new video game that we can play together and we have been having fun doing that. Man I'm such a geek. :)